Cards are here


Again I can’t thank you guys enough for sending all the cards. Such a little thing can make such a difference. When this is all over I would love to have a huge celebration and invite everyone so I can thank you in person!!!

Nothing has changed

Ashley is still hanging in there nothing has changed with her status. She had a temperature but has recently broke then came back but she is doing okay right now. We are basically in a holding pattern to see how this thing plays out. The JP that runs behind and just under her stomach is still draining out brown wast. We are not sure we’re it is coming from but hope it stays contained to the one JP that it is draining from now. This has me on pins and needles because anything could happen. My hope is it was a one time leak and there is only this pocket in her. concerning to me is every time her stomach growls do to colon moving some gas and more waste comes out of the JP drain could be there still is a leak but I hope the colon is just putting more pressure on the fluid and gas already there in the abdomen. They don’t want to do a ct scan because if it shows a leak we still would not run into surgery. She is not a good Candidate for surgery due to white blood count. On a good note her WBC has came up to 5.9 from 2.9 over but they like to see at least 7,000+ But if I had to guess Ashley is going to surprise us all and bounce right back from this. On the bright side of things she got some well-deserved rest last night. Just remember “Don’t let your praying knees get lazy and love like crazy”

Thanks and god bless Ashley’s husband Tim