Hang in there babe

Just hold on Ashley

So Ashley has been through so much her body is tired and weak yet still fighting. The hospital has done all they can for her. Some doctors will tell you it’s in gods hands now. Others will say “you are dying” I told Ashley they are tired of waiting you are too tough. We ONLY listen to the ones that are positive and tell all others how it is and to get OUT Ashley even told one your old you are dying. Love her Fire. They also have her on a Do not resuscitate which pisses me off I have argued with them about this tell I was blue in the face she still is fighting and has a strong heart. Told them to get their shit together because if you don’t resuscitate her you will be the one that needs resuscitated. This should be the family’s Decision to make not your doctors. So Ashley has fought off her Sudunomas infection in her blood and bladder with the help from her antibiotics of course doctors I think thought she was a goner. Her body has been able to wall off the leak with scar tissue and essentially incapsulated every thing bad. Lucky the surgeon had the JP drain on the top and bottom of this spot so it is draining the waste with the pseudomonas,enterococcus faecalis and klebsiella bacteria. The surgeon was very happy that it was draining and had walled off the bacteria/ infection. The body is fighting back to protect itself. We think the leak is in the spot were her blockage was in the small Intestine right after the duodenum. This is also the same spot her stent is in the transfers colon by her Fistula. It is leaking again at or Near the stent in the colon this would explain the klebsiella bacteria (This is very common genus of bacteria that thrives in humans living in the colon and are beneficial for normal digestion but can cause life Threatening health problems if they invade vital organs ). The pseudomonas bacteria can come from a very wide range of things. ( Most commonly from catheters,patient to patient interaction,hands,unsanitary equipment,and lack of cleanliness at hospitals). And the enterococcus faecalis (this could be a soft tissue wound infection post surgery). These bacteria are very dangerous for my wife because she was already very I’ll /immune compromised person and can cause death fast. She is on a wide array of antibiotics and will stay on these for some time. She has been very lucky and is a metrical so far that she was able to fight these infection and that the drains are working. My great clients Mystique and Jeff that I have been working for has helped out in so many ways not only are they understanding about me not getting their job done and leaving the custom library 3/4 done, they bring me dinner almost every night. They even brought me groceries to take home because I didn’t have time because I was trying to work and get back to my wife asap in the beginning. And last night we started to read all your great cards to her to lift up her Spirit. Ashley took to heart what the one minded Ass of a Doctor told her “you are dying”. He must god because the last time I checked I thought he was in control. I told him you are entitled to your opinion but we have talked to a hand full like you. We believe she will heal and just get stronger with time so get OUT. At times I feel like nothing is uncontrolled but then the infection is GONE a metrical maybe or is this god at work? I think Ashley is a fighter and I will push her to the end. So the hospital is trying to force us into hospice in Arlington Virginia. I almost went to look At the place because they keep talking about it like they are forcing us to to go there and die – not going to happen. I feel like we will get more of what Ashly needs at the hospital on the regular floor. For example today she was low on blood so they gave her blood within two hours if we had to do this at hospice it would probably take three days if they would give her blood that is not sure. Hospice is geared towards Palliative care pain management and spiritual things for end-of-life. The hospital is geared towards making you better and that is our goal. So now we have a battle in front of us to try to stay at the hospital . I will do every thing possible to make her better and that is a fact and She will never be alone.
