3 comments on “Sorry

  1. Cathy says:

    Thanks Tim, how is Ashley doing today and you how are you holding up. Is there something we can do? I have been praying for her always.

    xo Cathy

  2. elaine mclaughlin says:

    You are always giving us helpful links to songs that heal.
    Thought you might like to watch on youtube a neurologist who thought “outside the box’ and made a discovery that actually helped people. Look up lectures by DR. VILAYANUR RAMACHANDRAN. I hope it will strengthen your COURAGE to PERSIST when trying to make sense of illness,symptoms,and how the body really works,so you can LEARN to help the body get back into balance.I love that this fellow uses the patients’ symptoms as CLUES,rather than as the ENEMY. It takes real guts to declare that what is SUPPOSED to work just doesn’t work,and replace it with what IS WORKING,and with what makes sense.Still pulling for you.

  3. elaine mclaughlin says:

    Wondered if Ashley had been one to eat a lot of Chinese or restaurant foods with msg or foods with a lot of free glutamate. I read that free glutamate overstimulates the pancreas to produce insulin. It seems to go along with the fact that some diabetic medicines that are correlated with pancreatic cancer try to stimulate the pancreas to make insulin.i believe that it said that ketamine and such are glutamate blockers, so would help in some ways.Msg is supposed to trick the body into believing it already has enough protein. Msg opens the door for pain and inflammation to happen,because it helps calcium be predominant.Magnesium chloride helps prevent this.Some vaccines and IVs have msg in them with no magnesium to counter it.You can read more about it on internet. It’s just a thought.Maybe if you have enough puzzle pieces,you can know what the puzzle means..

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