22 comments on “I will see you again baby sooner than later

  1. Michele says:

    Fly to the Heavens, Ashley.. Fly Free and Pain Free.. My sweet Husband, Patrick will take you under his wing… two beautiful people taken from us by this dreaded Cancer…

  2. Sharon Nicarry says:

    God love you. I am sorry for your pain. My heart breaks for you.

  3. Maureen says:

    may you find peace Tim

  4. Elle says:

    Sending love to you.

  5. Angela Searcy says:

    The best advice I can give is to take the help that others offer, and take care of yourself now. Get some rest and take it easy on yourself. My husband has been gone for 3 1/2 years and I still cry fairly often. My life goes on, but it is a new and different life. Reach out if you need, there are those of us on here who have ben and are in your shoes. Thinking of you.

  6. Lola says:

    Praying for you for peace and happiness in the future.

  7. Sheron Stanfield says:

    Tim, baby your Ashley wants you to carry on her work. You are loved by many. Be strong for your parents. They need you and so do we. The boys are grieving their loss also. Seek comfort in lovemaking dear friend. Ashley is pain free. You could not stand to see her hurt anymore. You demonstrated the greatest love of all by letting her go. She is with you everywhere. Remember all her unfinished project there will remind you of her. Sleep and get some rest and cry. Grieve all you need to because in grief you will find peace.

    • Chris & Joe Pyle says:

      Beautifully said Sheron. Tim I have been in your shoes. Even though it has been 43 years since I lost my first husband to cancer I still grieve for what could have been.He was so young too at 25. Yes I have a wonderful husband now and he also had Pancan or had it. His tumor was removed with the Whipple surgery. Even so he still has a fight on his hands with radiation and more chemo. Love on those dogs. Know Ashley is there with you in spirit. Gentle hugs. Begging you to please keep posting here for us because we do care about you too. I do not think any one here is ready to let go of our/your Ashley or you.

      Chris Pyle

  8. gray says:

    Amen! So true!

  9. Christy Ward says:

    I have been thinking of you nonstop..I have a few more songs for you, too, although I love the one you chose. How bout this one from Faith? http://youtu.be/fmxILVVoRGA

    I have been coming up with stories today as if I have been her best friend for 20 years.. the thing is that the love you two share transcends… EVERYTHING. And your story.. The first half in her words, the second in yours… It is so compelling, and in time, I hope it is shared again and again. You have been such a hero to me for how you fought with and for her. I’ve never known anything like it.

    Uh oh, here come the tears again… Just now you’re lifted up in prayer from all over.

    • Suzanne says:

      I am sorry that you lost your best friend Ashley. It must be gut wrenching for you also to see her and Tim suffer so. Her suffering is over now but Tim’s pain must be really unbearable.
      My husband also has stage 4 cancer. It’s a rare gastronomic intestinal cancer.

      • Christy Ward says:

        Thank you, Suzanne. I’m sorry, I just noticed this comment tonight but thank you for your kind thoughts. I am terribly sorry for your journey as well. I was only a part of Ashley and Tim’s life for a short time, but feel more blessed than anyone could possibly imagine. I fell in love with both the night that I met them, and one of the things I loved was how natural their love was for each other. Hard to explain, but I adored that they were equals. In everything. Impossible to imagine one without the other. I love Ashley as if she was another daughter, and I am grateful that she knew that. I am proud to say I have met both her parents and his, and my heart aches equally for all of them. They have changed my life in so many ways, and I will be there for them in any way they may need, for now and for always. God bless you in your walk and may you also surrounded by love and prayer during this time.

  10. Aimee Sherman says:

    I had the utmost pleasure meeting Ashley at Advocacy Day in DC this year. You have all been on my mind since that first time I met her. My heart goes out to you. I think you have some great advice from others which leaves me speechless except to say know that she is pain free and at peace now. She is up there with her purple wings with so many others. Her strength and drive to fight is something that will always be with anyone she touched. I am very sorry for your loss. She will be missed but her legacy will live on. She has given me even more desire to put an end to this disease.

  11. Would like to have an address to send sympathy cards if at all possible!

  12. This is from Lyn Phillips who has followed Ashley’s blog faithfully and for some reason, cannot post a comment to this page?

    Dearest Tim, So very sorry for your loss. Words simply cannot express how I feel about Ashley’s passing. Your beautiful wife, Ashley, will forever hold a special place in my heart. I carry her right next to my DAD, whom I lost to Pancreatic Cancer Christmas 2006. Ashley was an extraordinary woman, and you Tim, are her miracle. She has now moved on to her place beside our Heavenly Father where she will continue to make miracles happen from above. My little girl and I will continue to pray for you, the boys, and your family. Stay strong and hold on….. You will see her again.

    With heartfelt sympathy,
    Lyn & Brooke Phillips & Family

  13. Gray says:

    A few songs that I found when I lost a loved one recently.

  14. Lisa says:

    Tim, so many have said all of the right things. I cannot begin to say them better. I lost Mark in February and even though I wish so much that I could join him, I know that he would want me to live the life he left. Ashley was an amazing and inspiring and beautiful woman. I know that she wants you to live your life, treasuring each day that you have-the good and the bad. The memories and love will always be with you. Life will never be the same, but it is still precious. It is hard to go on, but I try hard to make the most of a gift that has been denied to too many.
    Much, much love and daily prayers for you and everyone touched by this terrible disease.

  15. Gloria McKenzie says:

    Very, very fitting. Remember, Ashley will always be with you, in your heart and in spirit. She was such a beautiful strong girl. She loved you so much. She could not have had a better, stronger husband than you, Tim. Once everything settles down and you feel up to it, please send us a blog and let us know how you are doing. You were such a big part of this and we definitely feel we know you as well as Ashley and are concerned about you, too. You will continue to be in my prayers.

  16. Lynn Skavis says:

    So sorry, Tim to hear about Ashley. She was so, so brave…..and sharing her story made her amazing. Thank you for sharing her and her story with all of us.
    Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

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