All I wanted for Christmas was…


A real good tan!  I didn’t get it… I just dream of laying in the sand under the sun… ahh!  I do love winter but it hasn’t been too wintery here in DC so I’m not a fan.  I’d rather we have some snow that I could shovel and a real winter like I had in New Hampshire and Boston. This cold rainy stuff makes me crazy some beach! 🙂

I forgot to mention yesterday that Sunday night I was wide awake, I have these night every so often.  Sometimes I am beat by 10pm and other times I am wide awake and have so much energy at midnight…1:00am… 2:00am etc. and Sunday night was one of those nights.  At 3am I realized I hadn’t been on Facebook in a few days and figured I’d log in.  Now I am not on Facebook every day and I know for certain that means I’m one of a million.  Every one of my Facebook friends, all of our family and friends probably would “die” if they couldn’t be on one day and for me it’s nothing to forget about it for a few days.  This is one thing that I should point out because some people assume that if they post something, let’s say something uber important, on that website then everyone will know whatever it is they are sharing and if you don’t reach out to them then they potentially may get upset.  I know this has happened to me before and I was in disbelief because I’m the girl who has always been terrible at checking my texts, emails, voicemails and you assume I’m checking Facebook?!  Insane!  So as much as I try to check for birthdays or anything big, I certainly am not on daily. There, that is my share about me today so back to my story! I log in and I’m bored and I realized I should have taken my Ambien (sleeping pill) prior to 3am when I need to be up at 6am and I take the pill anyhow.  I then go on twitter which is the same deal as Facebook and I go to ‘tweet’ “Wow it’s 320am and I’m not sleep”  and that was it.  I haven’t a clue what message I was trying to write but somehow I hit the send button, no idea how.  That pill hit me like a ton of bricks… I couldn’t believe it.  I saw the tweet the next day because it was pulled up on my phone and I could only laugh… haha crazy!

I am SO happy that I made dinner for Tim tonight and got a “Mmm! Wow, this is good!”  Yay me! No, I am not looking to get a “wow, my family loves my cooking every night Ashley”.  You have to understand that my family would laugh at the thought of me cooking back in the day.  I would burn soup.  I didn’t have the time to cook with my insane schedule over the years but as I’ve gotten older I have cooked more.  I now have grown to enjoy it!  I guess it’s the whole getting older thing – ugh.

Soo… I am not sure whats new in the world of pancreatic cancer on this icky Tuesday, January 15th 2013.  I can tell y’all I’m feeling fine 🙂

Happy Tuesday! xoxo ~Ashley  💜

My little neighbor girly Christiana (whom I just love)  and I tonight 💜

My little neighbor girly Christiana (whom I just love) and I tonight 💜

Look into my eyes…. ;)




First off… why did I write Happy New Years 2x yesterday???  New YEAR not years… haha, it was all the bubbly from the prior night ok?  😉

Funniest thing I heard today  “If I had a penny for every time I heard someone compliment you about your eyes, I’d be RICH!”  stated Tim.   hahahaha!!!  My eyes are bla, whatever, just eyes.  Today some guy said “What color are your eyes? They are gorgeous!”  I don’t know, they change.  Some days they are blue other days they are green.  I mean, if people want to stare at my eyes … take a pic and stare away baby.  hahah 🙂  I get a lot of compliments on my teeth and eyes.  It’s nice, what girl doesn’t like a compliment?  I do NOT WHITEN MY TEETH.  I get asked that allllll the time!  No no no and no!  They are what they are.  I’ve never been a coffee drinker or soda so maybe thats part of it?  I don’t know.  My teeth are also so very sensitive and always have been and I’ve been told “Use sensodyne” or whatever the sensitive toothpaste is.  No thanks. I like mine.  I’ve used the same kind for years and it works for me.

Well for christmas, besides a cure I really wanted a ‘Real good tan’ but sadly did not get that either.  Of one my favorite christmas presents was a Vermont Teddy Bear I received.  I opened the box and there was a big teddy with 2 sets of matching pajamas which I found way too cute!!  Too bad they weren’t purple right??   Teddys pajamas have “Teddy Thiel” embroidered and mine say “Mrs. Thiel”.  haha!  Love it!  Oh, did I mention Teddy is 4 1/2 FEET?  Big boy! He looks about as tall as me but I’m not that short. 🙂

Is it weird I have a million things I could write about tonight pertaining to my thoughts and pancreatic cancer??  I find it funny but I will share them one day at a time this week.

That’s all for today… today was busy and it’s time to just relax with my tea and book.

Oh! One last thing, the other day when I wrote the longest post ever on NYE  and when we were out, my ears were BURNING! I never had my ears so hot before!  I believe someone must have been talking about me or maybe 2 people (haha) because they were on fire!

xoxo  ♥ ~Ash

2012 RECAP My Pancreatic Cancer story + Videos & Pics!

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                            Goodbye 2012!!!!

This has been the hardest post for me…

Ok, let’s just recap for a second on my blog my life of 2012.  I rang in the New Year last year with just a few people at my Grandpa Scotts because I did NOT want to go anywhere.  I had friends begging and pleading for me to go out with them in South Bend but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.  I was so tired and sick feeling and my back killed!   This sickness had been going on for a while and I thought I had just been under a LOT of stress and I needed a vacation.  Not a ‘I’m in Michigan not in DC’ type of vacation, I mean ‘an a$$ in the sand toes in the water with a cold one in my hand’ kind of vacation.

Looking back now I recall of the times I was sick in the fall 2011.  When we were driving out this Christmas we drove past this restaurant in Frederick, MD and recalled how we stopped there for dinner last year while starting the trip to Michigan for last Christmas and I hardly ate and the food lasted in my body until I ran to the car outside and let it all out.  I wasn’t keeping food down for months before going to the ER in February???  Wow… not a smart girl.  I had different relatives tell me that they thought I looked off last Christmas but didn’t want to say anything.  I was off, I had pancreatic cancer.  I’ve had pancreatic cancer for over a year!!

February was my breaking point.  I had tried everything from acid reflux meds, change of diet and Nexium.  I remember shopping in November 2011 in Annapolis, MD and overhearing a girl talk about having stomach surgery for something and I actually asked her about it because I thought there was something up with me.  So in February I finally figured something was up and apparently I wasn’t going to be able to fix it myself.  I had lost a lot of weight over the months, I couldn’t keep food down, my back was killing me and I was so tired.  In days leading up to my ER visit I was doing laundry and had the hardest time.  I live in a 3 story townhouse in Washington, DC and my washer/dryer is downstairs and I remember taking the laundry all the way down and just falling into the basket when I got down because I was SO out of breathe.  My heart was beating so rapidly.  I thought, am I really out of shape???  I know I am not fat but I haven’t been running 5- 10 miles a day like I was and I’m not in the best shape of my life but dang!   The next day I was walking upstairs and I felt my chest and asked Tim if his heart races just from walking upstairs.    I was also getting sick on everything I put in my mouth.

The days leading up to my ER visit always make me cry.  I was sick at work and sick at night.  I was in the bathroom on the ground the entire night for days as sick as can be and I would still go to work.  After 3 days straight of this I was DONE.  I was truly breaking.   I finally agreed to get checked out.  I said, “Ok, it’s time”   Tim and the only others that knew about this had tried to convince me to see a doctor for a while but my stubborn self declined because I am not that girl, I am the girl that NEVER GETS SICK!!!   It was late at night, I couldn’t go another day without sleeping and I couldn’t even drink water.  We had to go to the ER at that point and I thought I was dieing in the room waiting.  I had the worst shooting pains in my stomach.

I finally got checked out and hooked up on water and was starting to feel a little better.  The ER doctor said I was SO VERY dehydrated and that was causing the shooting pains.  The doctor sat on my bed after almost sending me home with Zophran and Nexium and really wanted to hear when it all began and what all has changed.  She said I was very anemic and tried to find out why.  They do not give a CT Scan to everyone that comes in but she thought after hearing me out and how confused I was that this sickness wouldn’t go away, I keep losing weight and can’t even keep a drink of water down, just didn’t sound right.  I got a scan and after reviewing it I was told “You have a mass in your pancreas”.   My first thought was…. “Whats a pancreas??”    I was told a surgeon team and GI team would be in to speak with me prior to surgery.  SURGERY?!  What the?!  I thought….  I came in to get a prescription because I need to be back at work in the AM.  It’s now 4am and you are telling me I am getting surgery in a few hours?!

Surgery was performed and I was told I had Stage 4 metastatic pancreatic cancer.  I was not told the severity of the cancer or how much it has spread.  I was in SHOCK that I had cancer!!!  I never missed a day of school K-12, I’ve always been very healthy!!  I’ve been an avid runner all my life.  I play sports.  I DO NOT GET SICK.  This was the hardest day of my life!  I had a birthday coming up and I finally decided to get checked out so I could get well again to enjoy my birthday and go on a vacation.

My pancreatic cancer spread to my:  Lymph nodes, Liver, Stomach, Cervix, Bowels, major mass on my abdomen from the cancer/ cysts and is in the TAIL of my pancreas, harder to find/treat than the head.

I spent a month in the hospital.  A whole month because the doctors were trying to get my symptoms under control.  I was getting meds 24/7.  I was sick a lot and hardly sleeping.  I was learning a million things about cancer in a short amount of time.  I never knew what cancer was!  I knew my grandma had ovarian cancer and she died from it after many years but I never knew what she meant when she talked about chemotherapy.  I didn’t know how it developed, I thought it was just some foreign thing in your body.  I figured it was something that mostly happens to old people and I’d probably get it when I was old and whatever.  Ya know?

I had a J-tube surgically input into my stomach which I was fed through.  I could NOT EAT OR DRINK a single thing from my mouth.  I was still losing weight because I wasn’t taking to my tube feedings.  They would hurt me and I was only getting in about 10mg per hour when I was supposed to be working up to 100mg per hour which is equivalent to a shot glass.  Crazy right?

The following week I had a mediport input into my chest where I would begin getting my chemotherapy.  The drugs I am on can not go through any vein like my arm because they would burn the vein whereas my chest it goes through the major vein and travels to all the cells in my body and poisons them.  The healthy ones are hurt and the bad ones are as well poisoned with the toxins.

After a month I was released.  I was in a wheelchair because I was too weak to walk.  I was tired.  I was sick a lot.  I started getting chemotherapy.  I would be sick for a week straight from chemo and would never want to leave bed and slept a lot.  I believed what the doctors said that my days were numbered.  I couldn’t believe at the time of my life where I had my working my butt off to get up the ladder career wise, I was with the same man I’d been with in High School after all these years and it was time we start a family and settle down in Washington, DC that my life had to do a complete 180.  I was so frustrated that I did everything right in my life to get where I was by working hard and this is what I get in return.   I was very hurt and angry at the same time.  I spent most of my days crying.

This was my life.  It changed so quickly over months and by April I accepted this was it.  I was going to be a sick girl who was going to die soon.  I was going to try to wrap up all scrapbooking and pictures I hadn’t done up because I was too involved in working so that those could remember me and I was going to figure out where I would RIP.   That’s me, I like to have control situations.  Hello? 911 dispatcher… what do ya expect?

Then – Things changed!  It was June, family I hadn’t seen in a long time came out because my cousin made it a priority to see me which I was so happy for!  I was starting to eat.  I was gaining weight.  I was walking.  It was summer and I was finally warm and I thought “that’s it!”   This is MY LIFE!! No ONE is going to tell ME when I will expire!  I control my life not cancer.  To get anywhere in life takes what?  Hard Work!   I am going to work hard to get my life the way it was.  I am going to be healthy and cancer obviously doesn’t know who it messed with.  I am not cute little weak girl.

Now it’s the summer… WOAH!  I’m like a whole new person.  I dyed my hair blonde since High School, I thought hell.. how bout I go brunette and start living my life like I always had.  I took a vacation like we do every year.

My vacation:

LA/ Hollywood
Laguna/ Newport/ Santa Monica/ Venice and more beaches
San Diego
Palm Springs
Las Vegas
Lake Tahoe
San Francisco

I saw FRONT ROW – Toby Keith, Brantley Gilbert, Eric Church, Thompson Square, Justin Moore, David Nail, Sugarland and MANY MORE!!!  Oh! Also the Detroit Tigers game behind home place in Baltimore…  and like a few rows back… Brad Paisley… ummm gosh, so many I can’t remember!! Oh… Sara Evans, Joe Nichols, Parmalee, Dustin Lynch and a ton more!  We always go to country concerts every year but this year did even  more 🙂

^ Ok… so I’ve been to most of all those places before but made new memories and tried to new things and still had a blast!    I was traveling, hiking, RUNNING and had my las vegas nights like I’ve done before.  I was BACK!! I was me again!

I am thankful that although I spent a good amount of my savings on traveling and doing things, which I had always done but those were always paid vacations, I did NOT “Live like I was dieing” … I pay for my insurance, I do not get assistance or anything free.  I could.  I should.  I worked for it but I don’t.  I am not dieing, I am living.  I am going to keep living by making good choices and focusing on my health and figuring out how things changed and how to get myself back.  I made it this far so I am doing something right I must say!  I beat the statistics by getting pancreatic cancer at such a young age, I beat the statistics by living over a year with pancreatic cancer and I will continue beating the odds.

You will hear most people with pancreatic cancer say they wish they had gotten breast cancer or almost any other cancer really.  Pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate.  Though those that get it caught early like stage 1-3 get the whipple surgery and are very fortunate. This is why I want to bring awareness because if it can happen to me you better believe it can happen to you.  Dr. Oz said most people will have diabetes, bad teeth, overweight, drink soda, smokers and drinkers…. I am NONE of those!  So let’s spread awareness together!!!

I want to thank all my family and friends and all those I have met throughout the year this year for everything you have done to make me smile and to bring me hope when I thought all was lost.  I have received so many e-mails and have read a ton of heartbreaking and inspiring letters that so many have sent me and you all inspire me.  I am inspired to try harder, push myself to the next goal and to raise awareness for this insidious disease!

Here’s to 2013!!!!  May it bring health, good times, peace and happiness for us all!  I will not be bringing in any negativity or hard feelings into the new year… 2013 is MY YEAR!!  You can bet your bottom dollar that I will kick butt this year!! ♥

xoxo ~Ashley Marie

Here are some fun pics and videos from Mich…













See ya Michigan…heading back to Washington, DC aka HOME


Heading back home!! Oh goodness… I am still in the car after 11 hours and only a couple more to go! We’ve been making good time with only 1 stop to let the dogs do their thing just like Sunday. Although throughout this trip I’ve heard Tim talk about how he needs a new F-350. He of coarse won’t sell his F150 but wants to sell my Ford Explorer… Hahaha what a funny guy right? Not happening. He’s got more convincing to do for a truck though. Continue reading

Fighting Stage 4 pancreatic cancer….fight it beautifully….♥






No need to pout and cry and look like a disaster everyday… have you ever heard that if you look good you feel good?  Maybe not for everyone but it is for me!  Put a smile on your face and live your life!!  it’s short no matter how you look at it and you don’t know when your last day is so be happy… smiles are always beautiful!! 

♥♥ ~Ash

Happy December 26th!!! :)


^ This is Elijah… my husbands cousins child that we saw tonight… can you say CUTE??   He loved the tractor we brought him tonight and we bought him it knowing he loves combines, dump trucks etc but goodness I didn’t know he owned everyone out there…. haha!! It was soooo cute!!! He’s just precious.  🙂

Ahh…. I love today!!!!  I love Christmas.  I love the season and what it means and the spirit, shopping, music and generally people.  The past few years has been different.  People have been more stressed out and it seems as if there is more drama in families.  I wasn’t even invited to the Christmas party on my parents side this year which says a lot but in the end I was at partys on the other side of my family and had an amazing time!  No sitting around talking about people which is actually a deflection off ones self…  we instead made fools of ourselves in the games we played and had a great time and I was in a LOT of pain… from laughing!! 🙂  Perfect!

Today is great because although the month was full of happiness for me, it’s also good to take a load off my back with the holidays and all the events.  It’s done and today was my day to SHOP!!!!  I went shopping with 2 of my favorite people and we did our fair share to say the least! I hit some amazing sales.  I joked that I found the cure to cancer!!! SHOPPING!!  Ok not a cure but it took all my pain away seeing those awesome red tags and 70% off signs! I was all smiles 🙂   We hit the Meridian Mall and a few places after and finished the some yummy not-so-good-for-you food in Williamston, MI.

Tonight was spent at a family members house and we had a great time as always!  Bad part of the day?  Driving 20mph back from the mall and to the family members because of the SNOW!!! I said I love the white stuff, I truly do.  I love all seasons and appreciate them and make the best of them all.  I do not like driving in the snow snow especially the first real snowfall for the year where Michigan drivers forget how to drive in it, they eventually remember after a while but I reeeeeally want to make it back to Washington, DC.  I’m not worried about my car getting hit (maybe while parked, I don’t need an injury) because I’m in the market for a new FORD but… I need to make it home sweet home!

Pretty sure my Oxycodone and Dilaudid are kicking in….hope everyone had a great Dec 26th!

xoxo ~Ash

Merry Christmas!!



                                     MERRY CHRISTMAS

Man, I cannot believe its Christmas! I believe it but again when I am bored and looking at my phone occasionally I’ll find myself scrolling through the photos and what a change I’ve been through. I’m excited for December 31 and to close out 2012 and welcome a brand new year! But I do live in the moment every day and am thankful for life every day and its Christmas and I am so thankful I am alive and for the most part am doing well. Christmas hasn’t been about presents and what I’m getting for many many years now. I’m in my mid 20s and have appreciated all the wonderful moments and memories I’ve made along the way. Christmas has been about family and this year the word family means so much more to me then any other time in my life. When you think of family you may think of your brothers, sister, parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts & uncles etc. or you may think of the word dysfunctional, crazy, etc … Ok, I’m kidding 😉 but I’ve realized what family is. I may not be fortunate enough to come from a big great supportive family.   I know I don’t and I’ve had a lot of resentment in this past year to that little known fact for everything I’ve done for them but I’ve really come to terms with it and have let a lot go. Sometimes you have to let go of the bad in your life and when that’s “family” so be it.  I know now family isn’t always blood, it really is simply amazing people who are in your life through the good and the bad, the people who are always there for you when you are in need and the people who love you for you. Also not the ones that come out of the woodwork after quite some time and now just want to catch up because of a diagnosis.

I have different families. I have the people I am close to like in-laws and that side of the family and  and I have my purple family which most I obviously met this year and besides the common denominator we have being some sort of relationship with pancreatic cancer, I’ve met some of the most amazing human beings. The people who have such great hearts and really bring out the best in you. The people you surround yourself with define you. I’m surrounded by people from all walks of life and that does define me. I appreciate a good person whom you can trust their word or a handshake. You don’t find that very often these days and its just the way it is. I know I’ve had some underlying tones in previous posts and more than anger I’ve had hurt and disappointment. This is why I’m choosing to really take the reins for my life. No doctor or person is going to tell me I only have so long… In which I’ve far passed that sooo… What’s the timeline now?  I have total charge (ok, so I need their help of coarse! 🙂 ) and I will make my future. I will continue to surround myself with my definition of family and continue to progress as I have been! 🙂

For many who haven’t followed me for the 3 months since I started this maybe don’t realize I did not plan to see Christmas. Nobody saw me living for much long after my diagnosis which to me was my breaking point. I should have gone to the hospital severalonths before I did and would have been diagnosed but ya know, I’m stubborn and didn’t. 😉 I am here though! I’m alive and kickin and moving and… Groovin? Haha ok…. I know I say it often but please believe. Believe in yourself, believe in miracles. I would never advise religion on here or even believing everything happens for a reason although I have my views, I understand where those of you are coming from that have wrote me emails. Believe you can do whatever you set your mind to!

With that, I must say… Merry Christmas!!!  I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed holiday!!   ♥  ♥

xoxo ~Ash

Merry Christmas Eve!! :o)

My personal tree :)

My personal tree 🙂

So of coarse I had to have a purple tree this year.  ^^ That is my tree! I love it so very much and it means a lot to me every time I see it.  It makes me think.  Makes me happy… makes me sad… makes me determined… brings me encouragement. A simple thing like a tree inside your home, decorated, can say so much.  I wanted a purple tree for the obvious reasons but I also wanted to incorporate my “purple family” into my tree to make it even more unique and custom to me.  I try to be creative and I’ve never been one to take the beaten path in life.  I bought ornaments and painted names of people that have really inspired me.  I didn’t take pics yet because they were still drying and I was packing when I took this pic but I wanted to add a special touch.  It’s actually funny because when I posted this picture online someone from my purple family actually had the same idea… hey great minds think alike!!  I want you all to know next year you will see my creation.  😉

Well I made it to Michigan! I am here and festivities have started!  It started out right when I greeted by one of my best friends and her family which is my 2nd family.  We bowled… yea I even bowled!! I hit pins!!  hahaha… that is the idea right?  Well I have never been a bowler because I am not the best at it and if you know anything about me I love sports that I am great in like soccer, volleyball, mini golf (haha!).. words with friends  😉

Then we went out, like drinks and karaoke out.  Though… I did not drink or do karaoke but I was serenaded to and still had a great night!!  Nothing is better than a night with good company!

I am VERY HAPPY chemo went well one week ago today because I was actually scheduled for chemotherapy today.  I would be sitting in there getting infused had I not last week so amen to that! I am thankful for my blood, prayers, and all of you amazing people that inspire me more than you know.  Your continuous words of encouragement actually push me to push myself harder to succeed in this battle. That is the best present I could ever ask for!

On to the in-laws Christmas party for the night! Merry Christmas!

xoxo  ~Ash

Sunday.. Road trip to Michigan!! :)

Road trip went well…..  only made one real stop 1/2 way in Columbus, Oh.  We ate some lunch and the boys were able to stretch their little legs!

7:30pm… we made it!!  Made a quick change of clothes and went out for bowling with my friends and second family and then out for drinks…. though I didn’t drink!! 🙂

I hope everyone had a great weekend!!

xoxo ~Ash


^ My crazzzzzy baby!!! Yes, he is a purebred Chocolate lab… he’s just a little on the small size but makes up for it with his BIG personality!!! 🙂

Oh so bored... but we are getting there! :)

Oh so bored… but we are getting there! 🙂

made it.... Watch out... I'm backkkkk!!!!!  Spreading purple all over my mitten state!!!

made it…. Watch out… I’m backkkkk!!!!! Spreading purple all over my mitten state!!!