What do the doctors say?

photo-24.PNGI find it funny how many of my friends have come to me complaining that they are sick or have a cold or whatever.  I am proud to say I’ve not had a single cough or sickness whatsoever. this season  Well, disregard… I do believe I was sick for a couple days last fall because Tim was home very ill and as much as I tried to protect myself I did get some of those nasty germs.  Some say, “yeah well you’ve probably had shots for it or something” umm… no!  I think it’s funny when some maybe presume I just sit in a rubber room and isolate myself from society… hahaha!   I am just the opposite and with my very weakened immune system from receiving my chemo, it’s still kicking major butt! Did ya know they say people with dogs generally have a better immune system?  True.  My dogs are very clean and I keep my home clean and they are not allowed on furniture but the truth is their little paws are still walking outside without shoes on that are kicked off before they come in and they are bringing what they have stepped in outside – inside, daily. Speaking of dogs, I’ve had that ‘wanting another one’ feeling in me lately.  I just love taking care of my babies and want another…. will I get one? No!  Keep me off the pet sites or away from the humane society because I’ll go crazy and I’ve gotta keep myself in check.  🙂

Ok, one phrase that drives me bonkers is when people say “What do the doctors say?”  AHHH!!!!!   I don’t know why but this drives me crazy.  I can talk to whomever and have a nice conversation when they ask how I am and now you want to know what the doctors say???  It’s pancreatic cancer!!! The doctors say I’d be dead by now!!!  Ah!  I get when people ask maybe ‘What do doctors say’ in terms of how well I am doing and what are their thoughts about that.  I get that.  When asked because one doesn’t know what to say, who cares what they say!!  Ask the patient how they are doing, how they are feeling, how are they handling all of this mentally and physically.

In the world of pancreatic cancer I have heard more news of the drug Abraxane with Gemcitabine have improved surival rates by around 2 months.  I was actually a little confused when I was reading this the past few days because I know people on the drug and do not think of it as “new” and of coarse I am talking about Abraxane.  Gemcitabine has been used forever and is the least toxic chemo used for pancreatic cancer that you can receive.  In any case many may think that two months isn’t much but when I was given just 2 months to live I would have loved the extra 2 months, the extra time to live.  That may be a treatment I do receive in the future, who knows.

I am doing great!!!! Still faaaaabulous!!!!  I just gave my 2 big ol’ dogs a bath and my back needs a resting and American Idol is calling my name from the DVR!  Happy Wednesday! 🙂

xoxo ~Ashley