Dr. Oz – Call me! :)

Hot guys & baby animals

^ This pic was taken this past weekend in Delaware.  I thought that book was just hilarious…. Hot guys…baby animals?   hahaha!!!  Too funny!  No I didn’t purchase it.  🙂

What a sad day in America.  😦

My body is so sad as well.  Sick sick sick sick sick what a waste of a day from how sickly I feel. I was just miserable sick all night long. Yuk. I had way too much pain as well and the oxys were just not doing a thing. Today was just one of those days where I felt like hell and I’d stand up from my bed and just fall back down.  Ugh!  You ever hear someone say “well not every day can be rosy”  really?!  No kiddin.  I mean geez we know this but one should not be so dang miserable right?   I just hated wasting the day away.  I even somehow fell asleep asleep (I never take a nap) and somehow was out and my phone rang and I had that “What day is it, where am I?!?” feeling.  Scary!

So over the past couple months I’ve had many people say “You should be on Dr. Oz” “We should contact Dr. Oz and you should go on there to promote pancreatic cancer”  etc.  and they’ve wrote him so Dr. Oz…. you there?  Reading this?  Please do a pancreatic cancer segment!! I’d be happy to tell everyone about it and with me it’s EVERYWHERE but you can’t tell it from the outside.  It’s pancreatic awareness month and I think Dr. Oz viewers, all billion of them, should be aware.  That’d be a good audience I could tell! 🙂

Lastly – Anyone out there that has emailed me this past week and wondered why I haven’t gotten back to you…… I will!  Promise!! I’m just too yucky to read them now, I’m just praying this post makes sense.  haha!   Ok, have a great night y’all!