All I wanted for Christmas was…


A real good tan!  I didn’t get it… I just dream of laying in the sand under the sun… ahh!  I do love winter but it hasn’t been too wintery here in DC so I’m not a fan.  I’d rather we have some snow that I could shovel and a real winter like I had in New Hampshire and Boston. This cold rainy stuff makes me crazy some beach! 🙂

I forgot to mention yesterday that Sunday night I was wide awake, I have these night every so often.  Sometimes I am beat by 10pm and other times I am wide awake and have so much energy at midnight…1:00am… 2:00am etc. and Sunday night was one of those nights.  At 3am I realized I hadn’t been on Facebook in a few days and figured I’d log in.  Now I am not on Facebook every day and I know for certain that means I’m one of a million.  Every one of my Facebook friends, all of our family and friends probably would “die” if they couldn’t be on one day and for me it’s nothing to forget about it for a few days.  This is one thing that I should point out because some people assume that if they post something, let’s say something uber important, on that website then everyone will know whatever it is they are sharing and if you don’t reach out to them then they potentially may get upset.  I know this has happened to me before and I was in disbelief because I’m the girl who has always been terrible at checking my texts, emails, voicemails and you assume I’m checking Facebook?!  Insane!  So as much as I try to check for birthdays or anything big, I certainly am not on daily. There, that is my share about me today so back to my story! I log in and I’m bored and I realized I should have taken my Ambien (sleeping pill) prior to 3am when I need to be up at 6am and I take the pill anyhow.  I then go on twitter which is the same deal as Facebook and I go to ‘tweet’ “Wow it’s 320am and I’m not sleep”  and that was it.  I haven’t a clue what message I was trying to write but somehow I hit the send button, no idea how.  That pill hit me like a ton of bricks… I couldn’t believe it.  I saw the tweet the next day because it was pulled up on my phone and I could only laugh… haha crazy!

I am SO happy that I made dinner for Tim tonight and got a “Mmm! Wow, this is good!”  Yay me! No, I am not looking to get a “wow, my family loves my cooking every night Ashley”.  You have to understand that my family would laugh at the thought of me cooking back in the day.  I would burn soup.  I didn’t have the time to cook with my insane schedule over the years but as I’ve gotten older I have cooked more.  I now have grown to enjoy it!  I guess it’s the whole getting older thing – ugh.

Soo… I am not sure whats new in the world of pancreatic cancer on this icky Tuesday, January 15th 2013.  I can tell y’all I’m feeling fine 🙂

Happy Tuesday! xoxo ~Ashley  💜

My little neighbor girly Christiana (whom I just love)  and I tonight 💜

My little neighbor girly Christiana (whom I just love) and I tonight 💜