From DC to MD, WV, PA, OH final destination… Michigan


haha good ol mich

The results are in and it came down to everyone saying I should see my sisters graduation.  It’s an expensive trip… remember the trip I just did in March to Michigan that was basically a quick 48hr rendezvous?  We took off in the evening, drove all night and arrived at noon to change and head to the wedding then reception only to come home get a few hours of shut eye then headed back to DC because I had to be admitted in the hospital??  CRAZY!

Being the WAY TOO LOYAL of a person I am, my sister said she would be upset if I didn’t come and it means a lot to her so here I am.  I am sick and have a lot going on in my body and hurt but here I go.  Feed those $100 bills into my gas guzzlin’ SUV and away we went with the boys in tow of coarse.  Our puppy babies are the BEST car riders ever!  I mean, that’ve been doing it since they were born so it’s the norm to them.  You forget they are there the entire time!  I fold my 3rd row seat down and they have plenty of room with their blankets and everything and they just sleep the whole time.  It’s fantastic.

We started this trip at 10:30am and it’s 1047pm so 12 hours down and 3 more to go!  I’ve had the HARDEST time keeping my eyes open all day!  I am going to get to my friends, crash and do not want to be woken up until it’s time to be there in the evening! haha!

Have you ever had times where you are in such a hurry to get somewhere and you have the last 5 miles to go and it’s rush hour, full traffic and your stomach is in a knot while you just watch the minutes going while there is nothing you can do but drive aggressive as possible in a safe fast way??  haha well that was me going to my hospital yesterday.  I made it with only 20 minus to go to 3 departments before they closed and the nicest people were working in all the depts and  I actually was able to get everything done!! The one stayed over past closing 30 minutes!! So awesome. 🙂

It’s 11:34pm.. just crossed into Michigan so 1 1/2 hours left now!  I kept falling asleep writing this so thats why its taken so long… I truly am that tired! Chat tomorrow my friends.  ZZzzzz….

XoX ~Ashley

No more sleepy… I’m backkk!!!

It’s the end of a crazy busy day and I feel good! WOOHOO!!! The reason why I had to complain that I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO CHEMO this week is because I’m backkk!!! I woke up before Good Morning America, I was ready to go for the day nice and early. YaY! My old self is back!  I was saying how the fighting my body was doing with the antibiotics on the infections and it took care of the air problem and hole in intestine found in a CT scan Saturday in Vegas and all that gone for the scan Tuesday in DC?  Crazy awesome fighting body!  It had me totally worn out as I said before for the past couple weeks and just an exhaustion feeling but I think it’s squared away inside and although I have to finish these antibiotics, I think things are good.  I haven’t been all sleepy the last couple days, I’ve been back to my normal self which is getting up early and ready to go go go.  Yes!

Since I was better today Tim took the day off (2 in a row?!!?!) since he generally works 7 days a week and we went to the lumber place down south in Maryland, for work of coarse.  He bought a couple pieces of wood for $200.  I thought that was craziness but he says it’s “good stuff” clear grade A walnut or something?  who knows.  It’s kinda crazy that these couple pieces of wood he’ll turn in to a beautiful butcher block top for a counter.  It’s his God given talent and his clients love it. 🙂

So I figure we are that far we might as well cross the bridge into Virginia and do some (as in you know… 12 hours) shopping in Fredericksburg, VA.  It’s funny because as you know my first words as a baby after “momma” was “mall” and “shop” so blame the momma I’d tell my hubby, but these days I really have nothing to shop for.  I really have everything I could possibly need. He took me to all my favorite stores but I have so many clothes that I’ve never worn with tags and a scrapbook room that has more than Michaels does and every techy gadget that one could ask for, that I really do not need a thing.  His thing is vehicles and we’ve been looking to buy a new SUV for a while now but more or less toying with the idea.  I mean, we bought new floor mats and such for my SUV so when I get it detailed I can add some new touches to make it extra pretty and sellable but haven’t actually put it for sale yet.  It only makes sense to sell my baby anyways since any newer SUV gets better gas mileage than mine.

I did spoil my babies though!! I love to stock up on treats and raw hides and they always need a new toy. 🙂  I mean, every time I come home they sniff every bag expecting something it’s only appropriate to get them little things once in a while… they are our babies!!! Love my boys. 🙂

After this kind of day where going to a million stores is generally exhausting, I came home tonight and was ready to take the boys for a walk in the dark and am still good!  I have to finish some laundry and put it away and maybe start one of the 500 books I recently bought.  Tim will be building me new bookcases, did I tell you I own a library?  Not kidding.  I literally do own hundreds of books… I love reading! I should create a page on here for ‘good reads’!  I do have some cancer books but I honestly don’t have a million nor focus on pancreatic cancer 24/7 in case you didn’t know.  My body is fighting 24/7 but I can’t imagine talking or reading about it non-stop, that’d probably make me very depressed and actually medicated.  Anywho… night ya’ll!!

XoXo ~Ashley