From DC to MD, WV, PA, OH final destination… Michigan


haha good ol mich

The results are in and it came down to everyone saying I should see my sisters graduation.  It’s an expensive trip… remember the trip I just did in March to Michigan that was basically a quick 48hr rendezvous?  We took off in the evening, drove all night and arrived at noon to change and head to the wedding then reception only to come home get a few hours of shut eye then headed back to DC because I had to be admitted in the hospital??  CRAZY!

Being the WAY TOO LOYAL of a person I am, my sister said she would be upset if I didn’t come and it means a lot to her so here I am.  I am sick and have a lot going on in my body and hurt but here I go.  Feed those $100 bills into my gas guzzlin’ SUV and away we went with the boys in tow of coarse.  Our puppy babies are the BEST car riders ever!  I mean, that’ve been doing it since they were born so it’s the norm to them.  You forget they are there the entire time!  I fold my 3rd row seat down and they have plenty of room with their blankets and everything and they just sleep the whole time.  It’s fantastic.

We started this trip at 10:30am and it’s 1047pm so 12 hours down and 3 more to go!  I’ve had the HARDEST time keeping my eyes open all day!  I am going to get to my friends, crash and do not want to be woken up until it’s time to be there in the evening! haha!

Have you ever had times where you are in such a hurry to get somewhere and you have the last 5 miles to go and it’s rush hour, full traffic and your stomach is in a knot while you just watch the minutes going while there is nothing you can do but drive aggressive as possible in a safe fast way??  haha well that was me going to my hospital yesterday.  I made it with only 20 minus to go to 3 departments before they closed and the nicest people were working in all the depts and  I actually was able to get everything done!! The one stayed over past closing 30 minutes!! So awesome. 🙂

It’s 11:34pm.. just crossed into Michigan so 1 1/2 hours left now!  I kept falling asleep writing this so thats why its taken so long… I truly am that tired! Chat tomorrow my friends.  ZZzzzz….

XoX ~Ashley

Patients with no patience…


I touched on this yesterday but in reality you choose who you have in your life.  This was a topic that we had a discussion with the other day in our group.  “Cancer patients having no patience for people”.  Ok, so that was the topic per se but I came up with the title… haha you know I’m just quirky like that 😉

In my life before cancer I would try with family and friends and I was the one always putting everyone together and always wanting the picture perfect family etc.  After being diagnosed and having my life change so much I have come very far.  In the last 16 or 17 months from being sick and going straight down I have made the slow climb uphill.  I have worked my butt off one step at a time with a share of dips in between. When the sickness began in 2011 and going through the changes in 2012 I have a new outlook in 2013 and first priority I have said I have made is my health.  This also means the people I surround myself with.  I am not going to stress out about this person or that whether they are blood or not.  I am not going to be dragged in to peoples drama especially when I am several hundreds of miles away. My husband and I have made a conscious effort to decide who we will keep in our life and who can go, blood or no blood… there is the door. 😉  You can call it a no-nonsense attitude.  No times for games, no time for wasting time.  Life is so short. I am the type that would rather have a small circle of really close people than a million friends in which I am not sure who I could trust.  Who has the best intentions.

With all of that said… I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!  I appreciate my “cancer family”… the people who have come into my life since diagnosis that are just amazing human beings and my awesome friends who ARE my family. 🙂  xoxo  love you!

CORRECTION from yesterday.  I was told the calendars are on sale for $20 but I guess it’s $22 for shipping postage.  If you did not see my comment yesterday about where you can send a check for the calendar if you are interested in purchasing one then here it is:

Ashley Thiel
PO Box 34403
Washington, DC 20043

This postal box will only be available for a month or 2 because I am getting a new one in a more convenient location with better hours than business hours which is a nuciense and also a postal box rather than my house because I am moving very soon and want all my mail going to one place.  I will send the calendar to you or Michael will so be sure to have your address on the label or included.  Thank you!! 🙂

Happy Wednesday my friends

xoxo ~Ashley

Good-Fun-Busy weekend :)


Me at Monster Jam


Bus at Monster Jam


Maddie, Shannon and I


Us at Monster Jam with grave digger in background


Grave digger at Monster Jam

Hello hello world!!! So I didn’t get to blog yesterday!! Sorry… busy weekend!! 🙂  I feel fabulous!!! Anxious to get my darn CT scan over with tomorrow AM… I can’t stand the catheter they inject because it hurts PLUS I just don’t like going to the hospital so I want to get it done and get on with my week before it’s chemo again.

Yesterday we went to the MONSTER JAM in Baltimore.  It was nice!  We haven’t been in years and I don’t know if it’s I’ve gotten older or what but it just didn’t seem as exciting as before or on tv, but hey whatever.. it was nice.  We went to a friends “30th” surprise birthday party last night which was nice!

I tried to sleep in this morning but I didn’t too much.  Oh well, I love long walks with my little boys! Those of you reading for the first time… my boys are my dogs  – Chocolate lab & Golden retriever. Then my friend Maddie and I headed out to the Eastern shore in Maryland to my friend Mikes house for a cook-out… or in?  Indoors of coarse since it’s like a high of 30 outside. Great time!!

Overall… good, great, busy FUN weekend!! Success! I feel good, life is good and I’m happy.  🙂   I read in the todays Sunday paper in the obituaries that Helen Keller died. Ok so a different Helen, but I recalled my last post on “old news”… haha.  Strange.

Well  I don’t have anything great to blog about tonight… kinda tired.  I am watching Storage Wars… haha I mean, sure I even have a favorite – Barry, but when you think about it, I’m watching people bid on a storage locker.. really?  Really.   Night!

xoxo ~Ashley