Spleen Giveaway!!

                          ^On our way home tonight we made one laststop and I spotted a purple dog toy stocking bag which clearly I had to buy for my boys… they love it!  Look at tank ripping it open 🙂

Who out there is in need of a pretty spleen???? I gotta nice big one for sale!! I’ve got an extra one. I don’t need it. Damn thing is causing me nothin’ but PROBLEMS!!!!! The thing put me in the hospital for a week in August after a burst which NO ONE has experienced pain until you experience a spleen burst and it causes you to literally go BLIND from your body going into shock. It was the worst pain of my life and hard to even explain. It’s pretty unreal.  I basically felt like I was dieing, I went blind and couldn’t breathe.  All of the narcotics given to me by IV in the ER wouldn’t even take the edge off the pain. Ever since that happened over 3 months ago I’ve had complications. My chemo had been withheld week after week for 13 weeks while my nurses in infusion tried to administer it and I’m constantly being told, ‘sorry not this week, your platelets are still too low’. Very frustrating!

I checked my voicemails before heading out at 8am only to hear the results left from my bone marrow biopsy on my voicemail. I wasn’t prepared for that one! Sometimes you recognize the voicemail phone number and are expecting to hear ‘its your second home, call us back’ not to hear big news.

So whoooooo out there goes shopping for 12 hours only to buy a few items and not accomplish a list of things I was ready to do as I left my house a little before 0800?? Me me me!!!! Don’t ask. Basically I set out on a mission today, all proud and ready to go with my list printed out that I had done up last night with a time schedule and all and just ONE of my items on my list was checked off today. This item was supposed to be done later in the day and  I might of been able to make it to Martinsburg to get more things accomplished if I stuck to the plan but no. Got sidetracked in Hagerstown, MD and didn’t even make it to West Virginia. Insane!  It’s after midnight, we got home almost 30 minutes ago and now I have to sit online and finish everything.  Why didn’t I just get ready this am (to make myself feel better about getting things accomplished) and then sit my butt on my bed with my computer and do everything from the wonderful web???  No idea what I was thinking.

Oh gosh it’s funny though… It seems like whenever we are places Tim likes to proudly tell people about my diagnosis. I generally hold him back when I can tell he is about to spill it but today we were at a place and it wasn’t until at least 1 hour+ into being there that he brought it up which caught me off guard and I couldn’t stop him. They were completely shocked and had no idea which is the normal response I get. They advised “Wow! I can’t believe it! You look like a normal, healthy, beautiful young girl!”  Yup…. It sure hasn’t affected my outward appearance.

So if any of your are following my story today you may be thinking “ok… You said you got your results…gunna tell us?!” Haha! 🙂 sure…  I was advised today (sum’d up version):
               Ashley, we held a conference today to go over your case. We had the oncogist team, myself (hemotologist), and pathologist team and your bone marrow looks completely fine. The cancer has not spread to it, it is producing fine. It is your spleen. Since your August doing your spleen has been taking your platelets. Your spleen has become enlarged and even if we gave you continuous platelet transfusions… Your spleen would take them.”

Basically my blood is producing just fine and my counts are all great but since my spleen is taking my platelets it’s obviously causing those numbers to be low and my spleen to be enlarged. I’m now having more and more pain from this daily on my left said between my spleen and my pancreas. Not good.  They are only saying that they will keep an eye on it and possibly another CT scan again sooner than later but otherwise surgery is the only option they say, besides possible radiation.  Who knows.  This is all somewhat fresh news. I mean, I’ve been saying for a while ‘ok… well my platelets became an issue since my spleen rupture in August… I know spleen enlargements can be a cause of low platelets… do you think we may have a connection here?!’  but now they are listening.

Ok, it’s late, I need to get to doing online work.  Night y’all! 🙂