Well hello February! :)

febI was determined to rid this dang chemo nasty-ness and BAM! Done.  I’m golden! Got my energy, strength and craziness back to 100mph! I was up like clockwork at 6am to start work! I planned on heading down to Fredericksburg to pick up things but it was snowing and icky and Tim didn’t want me on the roads, yeah I listen sometimes.  I will just be heading there Monday instead.  It was a very successful day of work and cleaning and catching up with people, feels good!

I think I mentioned yesterday or the other day about getting a CT scan..?  Anyways, I was cleaning out my bag (purple bag of meds, magazines and random things I take to chemo) and found orders in my paperwork for the CT scan. Ha!  I swear I wasn’t out of it when I saw my oncologist monday but I don’t recall her giving me the orders?  I will get my “PET/CT scan of my abdomen, chest, pelvis with contrast in patient with metastatic pancreas cancer” the week of the 11th sometime (I’m busy next week 😉  ) so I will have the results on the 18th.  Let’s hope the scan brings me a happy birthday!!!  Ah! Scary.

There is a lot of purple in my neck of the woods and it’s not for pancreatic cancer but for the Ravens.  I am certainly NOT a fair weather fan but when it comes to the Superbowl we generally all do choose for one team to win right?  Obviously my pick is for the Ravens since they are located right down the road from me! 🙂

So I have heard people complain about their knees since I was a child.  It was something I heard from my older relatives and parents.  I am making my first ever complaint of my knees!!! I don’t know what is wrong with them! I’ve always worried about them when I was younger and being a long distance runner until I was diagnosed but lately they have been killing after running up and down stairs so often.  I am not old and I am not carrying around extra weight so I can’t blame that but I am constantly going up and down stairs and maybe thats it.  I was told it could be the shot which no, I don’t think it’s the little shot I have been getting.  Crazy!  I deal with my left side pain daily which is a chronic nuisance now and will be figured out at the next PET/CT but knees?  Give me a break!  Oh well.  I know I am not that bad, I mean I am still walking and will not slow down or anything crazy like that.  I’ve got way too much livin’ to do!

Anyways I saw Tim Mcgraw on GMA this morning and ok first off my first thought was “Why aren’t the people in the front singing along?!”  If you don’t know his songs, you shouldn’t be aloud to be in the front!  Just sayin’   Next – I always think of “Live like you were dying” and I’ve certainly have had my share of living in my 27 years, I have done so much and seen so much of the great USA and overseas even but I am not done.  I always think of “hurry up and do what you gotta do before you go”.  I am not going anywhere!  I want to see the advancement pancreatic cancer makes at the age of 54 which is twice my age.  Crazy to think if you are reading this and you are 54 or over  you are twice as old as me, doesn’t seem that old huh?   When I was diagnosed so many people sent me the song “I’m gonna love you through it” by Martina McBride which to me was WAY too much.  I knew this song and knew all the words well before my diagnosis and never imagined people sending it to me.  It was hard and still is hard. Still makes me cry every time and brings me back to when I was told I was that girl.  It happened to me.  I live my life like normal and don’t dwell on the “C” word.  Thats a whole notha’ story I will share next week in how I deal with this.

I have to head out now for a dinner date!  I will be back Sunday or Monday to blog! 🙂

xoxo ~Ashley  💜