(Mondays Blog) Blood transfusions/ Prepping colon for surgery

Well as I left off yesterday I was almost home.  MADE IT HOME! It was a short and sweet visit.  Literally run in, see the place still stands and let the boys in and tell them a little white lie that mommy will be right back and scurried to the hospital ER.  I am back on the floor that I had spent over a month in over a year ago and yeah… nice to deal with the familiar faces that all know me.

I informed the nurses, admittance people and docs that if they thought I was going to be up all night getting prepped then they can think again because I should be home sleeping and starting this whole thing in the AM.  They agreed but did they follow?  No.  They bothered me all night long non-stop and hooking me up to antibiotics, taking my blood work through my arm instead of mediport, taking x-rays, talking to me about what to come, vitals etc.   No eating or drinking which the eating was fine because I haven’t had a huge appetite lately but the drinking… I was just dieing for some water!!!  I had a fever, was shaking from being so cold although under warm blankets and needing water like I’ve never needed before.

This morning of coarse I am bombarded with teams of doctors.  I get antibiotics all day as well as magnesium, potassium and whatever else is in all the bags I’ve had.  I’ve also had to receive a blood transfusion of a few units of blood.  My white blood count is great, it’s my red thats a little low as well as my hemoglobin. My PLATELETS are AMAZING!!!!!!  My doctor thinks possibly that the tumor located  between my spleen and colon around the fistula area was very large prior and thats when I had all the spleen issues since August or technically prior has taken to the chemo and has shrunk dramatically which is why my spleen isn’t sucking up all my platelets and they are actually rebounding. OR possibly my spleen is functioning like it is partially dead, who knows.  We will find out in scans to come after a couple more rounds of the same chemotherapy.

I didn’t know but was informed that my specific chemo is one that most can only handle 1 or 2 treatments or if someone could handle it then only 6 months at most until their blood isn’t rebounding, it’s not working or they’ve developed the side effects such as neuropathy. I was thrilled to know this since I’ve had it 13 months.

Anyways, like I said today was just receiving bags of antibiotics and blood transfusions all day, the antibiotics to clear up the infection that is causing me the fevers.  I have had one since I’ve been in here that has been around 102.4

I will be getting surgery first thing in the morning.  What am I doing right now in the middle of the night since they won’t let me sleep AGAIN?  Oh…drinking Go Lytely! Anyone ever have a colonoscopy? This stuff is YUMMY!!!!!!  No, not really.  It’s gross and I should be in the bathroom soon, I’ve been drinking for 4 1/2 hours now.

Time to go walk around and drink…. the procedure tomorrow should be nothing compared to everything else I’ve been though.  I am not really anxious.  I will be under so as long as all goes well and I wake up with no pain and fixed, then I will be thrilled! 🙂

xoxo ~Ashley