Double Whammy!

photo-27.PNGFirst off – thank you all SO so so so so much for all the uplifting comments left on here and FB and e-mail!!!  I appreciate it so much and do believe the prayers really helped me in every way!!! I wouldn’t know where to start to thank everyone individually but please know I am truly thankful and they all really lifted my spirits when I was so unbearably ill.

Tuesday I was icky sick between chemo and sneezing. I ended the night with some good NyQuil.

Wednesday – I was another person.  (NO this was not a “bad chemo week”  it was a sick (coughing/hacking) people don’t belong in infusion when I’m getting chemo week)  Tim dragged me out of bed because I had a 7am hospital appointment for a shot.  I walk in expecting to get 1 shot and I leave getting 2.  nice huh?  I was supposed to get my Neulasta shot and ended up getting that plus a flu shot in which my Dr. said I should probably get although my immune has held up this long without one.

I could barely stay awake at the hospital and couldn’t wait to get home.  I got home and was out.  I was SO terrible!  A complete mess!  I felt like a dieing animal that needed to be shot to be put out of his misery.  No joke.  I picked up some nasty bug on Monday during chemo so not only was I fighting the chemo but whatever I picked up which we think was from the older guy near me that was hacking away the entire day on monday.  Yuck.  I do not believe sick people should ever enter chemo!  Sure he made have needed his chemo too but there are private rooms with solid doors and he could have taken one of those and sequestered himself in there.  Not nice.  I took daytime medicine and just continued to sleep throughout the day.

I weighed in 7 1/2lbs less that I did on Monday and although I had a lot of fluid last night I still dropped another pound today.  All normal but then I try to slowly eat again to gain it back.  I drink a lot but it does still always seem easier to lose than to gain, strange.

Today though I woke up at 5:55am feeling 50% better!  I couldn’t jump out of bed and go for a run, but I could open my eyes and breathe through my nose so thats progress! 🙂   I did what I do every time I am super bad for a day or 2 and am back alive… I washed all my sheets, pajamas and showered.  Nothing worse than seeing nasty make-up on my pillow case. Gross!  My left arm from the neulasta shot feels fine but my right arm from the flu shot is tender to the touch.  Hmm…

Well I am hoping for a fabulous Friday for everyone!! 🙂

xoxo ~Ashley

Dr. Oz – Call me! :)

Hot guys & baby animals

^ This pic was taken this past weekend in Delaware.  I thought that book was just hilarious…. Hot guys…baby animals?   hahaha!!!  Too funny!  No I didn’t purchase it.  🙂

What a sad day in America.  😦

My body is so sad as well.  Sick sick sick sick sick what a waste of a day from how sickly I feel. I was just miserable sick all night long. Yuk. I had way too much pain as well and the oxys were just not doing a thing. Today was just one of those days where I felt like hell and I’d stand up from my bed and just fall back down.  Ugh!  You ever hear someone say “well not every day can be rosy”  really?!  No kiddin.  I mean geez we know this but one should not be so dang miserable right?   I just hated wasting the day away.  I even somehow fell asleep asleep (I never take a nap) and somehow was out and my phone rang and I had that “What day is it, where am I?!?” feeling.  Scary!

So over the past couple months I’ve had many people say “You should be on Dr. Oz” “We should contact Dr. Oz and you should go on there to promote pancreatic cancer”  etc.  and they’ve wrote him so Dr. Oz…. you there?  Reading this?  Please do a pancreatic cancer segment!! I’d be happy to tell everyone about it and with me it’s EVERYWHERE but you can’t tell it from the outside.  It’s pancreatic awareness month and I think Dr. Oz viewers, all billion of them, should be aware.  That’d be a good audience I could tell! 🙂

Lastly – Anyone out there that has emailed me this past week and wondered why I haven’t gotten back to you…… I will!  Promise!! I’m just too yucky to read them now, I’m just praying this post makes sense.  haha!   Ok, have a great night y’all!