Just another hospital day…


Me getting chemo on Monday

^ There is me on Monday during chemo… don’t I look thrilled…

Today started bright and early in the hospital.  Ugh! When you just received a 12hr treatment on Monday then you are ick Tuesday the last thing you want is to go to the hospital at 7:30am Wednesday.  Sadly this is my norm and I have to do it.  I get my visit done, told how well I’m doing considering I just had a hard 100% treatment (like every chemo Monday for the past 14 months) and how I’m doing awesome.  Thanks.  I do appreciate it but sometimes you feel like ‘ugh thanks but shoot me now or put me back in my bed, its too early to deal with this with these crap toxins still in me’.

Just another chemo week.  I must say I am doing better.  I guess my “ill feeling” weeks could have been related to my colon hole leak.  The doctors think that it didn’t just happen overnight or anything like that so if you follow me when I thought I was picking up some type of cold-like symptoms it was the bacteria from the colon.  Now that I am patched up and continuing my antibiotics which should clear up the infection, I am doing better.  I am simply fighting the toxic poison in me and being strong.

It’s another week of fasting.  Last week the fasting was NOT by choice and this week it isn’t either but it’s a different feeling.  I always feel just like nothing taste good all week.  I generally lose a quick 10lbs, I drink as much as I can but I can’t eat.  Generally by the weekend my taste buds are back and I start back eating again.  Some people complain about “metallic tasting” by eating with silverware and for me it doesn’t matter if it’s finger food, food just doesn’t sound or look good after chemo. Period! It’s hard enough to just drink let alone eat.  It’s the same thing every chemo week, every month, nothing new.

I didn’t even feel nauseas this week or anything.  I’ve rebound real well!   Actually by the weekend when I’m eating again I’ll be in heaven 🙂  Ok, gotta relax!

xoxo ~Ashley