From DC to MD, WV, PA, OH final destination… Michigan


haha good ol mich

The results are in and it came down to everyone saying I should see my sisters graduation.  It’s an expensive trip… remember the trip I just did in March to Michigan that was basically a quick 48hr rendezvous?  We took off in the evening, drove all night and arrived at noon to change and head to the wedding then reception only to come home get a few hours of shut eye then headed back to DC because I had to be admitted in the hospital??  CRAZY!

Being the WAY TOO LOYAL of a person I am, my sister said she would be upset if I didn’t come and it means a lot to her so here I am.  I am sick and have a lot going on in my body and hurt but here I go.  Feed those $100 bills into my gas guzzlin’ SUV and away we went with the boys in tow of coarse.  Our puppy babies are the BEST car riders ever!  I mean, that’ve been doing it since they were born so it’s the norm to them.  You forget they are there the entire time!  I fold my 3rd row seat down and they have plenty of room with their blankets and everything and they just sleep the whole time.  It’s fantastic.

We started this trip at 10:30am and it’s 1047pm so 12 hours down and 3 more to go!  I’ve had the HARDEST time keeping my eyes open all day!  I am going to get to my friends, crash and do not want to be woken up until it’s time to be there in the evening! haha!

Have you ever had times where you are in such a hurry to get somewhere and you have the last 5 miles to go and it’s rush hour, full traffic and your stomach is in a knot while you just watch the minutes going while there is nothing you can do but drive aggressive as possible in a safe fast way??  haha well that was me going to my hospital yesterday.  I made it with only 20 minus to go to 3 departments before they closed and the nicest people were working in all the depts and  I actually was able to get everything done!! The one stayed over past closing 30 minutes!! So awesome. 🙂

It’s 11:34pm.. just crossed into Michigan so 1 1/2 hours left now!  I kept falling asleep writing this so thats why its taken so long… I truly am that tired! Chat tomorrow my friends.  ZZzzzz….

XoX ~Ashley

West Virginia makes ya think

Nia and I, in the mirror, of our beautiful bedroom (I wish) in a historical home in Martinsburg, WV

My oh my what a long day it was today!! Started at the wee hours and lots of traveling in West Virginia and ended too late.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m up early every day and have late nights but today I just felt more drained and I am not the one normally doing the driving but not complaining! It was fun! 🙂 My friend Nia and I headed to WV to do some wedding stuff.  I still felt a little sick and “big” from the other night but not as bad. It ended up being a good reflection and good conversation.  You always imagine when you are young what you want out of life and how grand you want everything to be (at least for me) and you want the biggest  and best everything and you strive for that but then sometimes things happen and you realize what is important.  What are you going to look back on at the end of your time and think.  Who says “gee, I wish I worked a bit more”.  Or are you going to look back and think ” I should have spent more time with….”.  You may not think about these things right now in the moment, but you will when it happens.  I don’t have any regrets yet.  I have worked my butt of for every single thing I have and done and have not have a single thing given to me and I have done so much and have learned a lot.  I have built great relationships along the way and those other relationships I don’t have with people I’ve learned will never happen and I’ve accepted it.  I’ve tried hard to build things with people and sometimes you have to let it be.  I also realized I still have been trying to cater to everyone else and always try to make everyone else happy and make things convenient for them when in reality, those who truly care will come to me. I can’t handle anymore stress in my body anymore. You also learn who is truly there for you when things get tough or you get knocked down in life. What’s that country song?  You find out who your friends are.

You find out who your friends are
Somebody’s gonna drop everything
Run out and crank up their car
Hit the gas, get there fast
Never stop to think, ‘What’s in it for me?’
Or ‘It’s way too far’
They just show on up with their big ol? heart
You find out who your friends are

And everybody wants to slap your back, wants to shake your hand
When you’re up on top of that mountain
But then one of those rocks give way then you slide back down
Look up and see who’s around then

Friends or family for that matter.  I’ve had a ton of people reach out to me this year.  Some are old friends or high school classmates whom I may not have talked to in many years or ever and although I’d never mention anyones name it does mean a LOT to me.  The simple things.  A phone call, text, e-mail, Facebook message etc.  I watched an episode of ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ yes, yes, I know.. but hey! they entertain me! 🙂 haha.  Anyways hadn’t seen their grandma, whom is sick and has been losing weight and has battled breast and colon cancer, in a quite a long time and it broke my heart for her.  I know what I’m going through and her being alone when her family is a measly car ride away and they are “too busy” to come see her?  No one is ever too busy.  It brings me back to what I said, are they going to wonder “wow, I wish I did more appearances” at her funeral or are they going to wish they spent more time with her before it was too late?   So anyways, the day was just about how I enjoy more simple things and a simplistic life.  Don’t get me wrong, I like the rat race of the DC lifestyle in terms of work environment but at the end of the week I’d rather get lost in the country camping or just spending time with the people that mean the most to me doing nothing. 🙂

Relaxing at the house